I am very straight fwd person, so etimes people think I am blunt because I do not compromise when someone does not understand me or listen me. For me communication is the best way to know someone, I pray 5 times a day, I am not that much Islamic but I try to overcome my imperfection regarding Islamic thoughts. I need to learn more with my research work, I'm very broad minded person ( I know to be within limits but my brain does not accept the lies and fake people, I think good and I think positive but I do not tolerate stupid people around me, nor I compromise if my partner would see or talk anyone, I am liberal but I am sincere too, I like loyalty and faith in a person with education f
I would like to have a person who would first introduce me to his family and himself rather than going to date... He must be a prayer, offering 5 times a day. He must be a good listener before having any arguments, he must be a better communicator. He must be having a good and clean thought regarding my studies and if I wanna go travel or wanna do any kind of work, as I'm more into Science and Technology so he must be talkative and more informative regarding my work and study otherwise he would not let me Perdue my goals, or even if I do not do anything then he must support me for every aspect of life, he must be a gentleman first not a man who makes a woman cries all the time by scold
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Take the time to understand yourself, your values, and what you are looking for in a partner. Consider your goals, interests, and compatibility factors that are important to you.
Learn to forgive and let go of past grievances. Holding onto resentment hinders relationship growth. Instead, focus on resolving conflicts and moving forward together.