I m a very simple, religious, straightforward, down to earth type of person who alhamdoLILLAH takes life cheerfully as it comes along, has no complaints from it. My w a t s a p zero three two one two two seven nine four six five. M a I l: z a r p r o f e s s I o n a l s (at) y a h o o d o t c o m
Simplicity & honesty, one who can give some love for lots of love in return. Aisi koi deendar, sada tabyat khatoon se nikah chahta hun jo deeni zindagi or tabligh me mere sath sath chale. Gharelu larki chahye jise khana pakane ka shoq ho, zyada talim yafta or office me kam karne ka shoq na ho. Aalima ho to boht acha. Sharie' parda zaruri he. KOI demand nai. KOI jahez ni chahye, 2 joron me wo aasakti he.
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Make a list of your non-negotiables and prioritize the qualities you seek in a partner. This can include values, personality traits, lifestyle preferences, and shared interests.
Prioritize personal growth and self-improvement before entering into a relationship. Building a strong foundation within yourself allows you to bring your best self to a partnership.