Name: Ali Gender: male DOB: 14/08/1973 (46) Nationality : Bahrain Mother Lang: Punjabi. Marital Status: married, looking for 2nd marriage Children: 5 Height: 5.8 Religion: ilsam Education :Diploma Caste: Jatt Sect: Muslim Disability: no Siblings:5 brothers & sisters all are married. Current Address: Bahrain House: own in Bahrain Native Address: Area: Gujrat Province: punjab Country: pakistan Phone: +97339226404 Email:
Nothing i have requested even a wrapping paper in the name of جہیز - just she is well educated and if hafze Quran is batter. - wearing abaya atleast. - not from highfi and rich extra modren background. - if divorcee or Widow should be without children as i need to bring her herein Bahrain to live with me....... and according to Bahrain LAW she could not bring her children from previous husband otherwise i have no problem Phone: +97339226404 Email: koi ghareeb, yateem, single ho ya bewa, ya talak yafta,
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Make a list of your non-negotiables and prioritize the qualities you seek in a partner. This can include values, personality traits, lifestyle preferences, and shared interests.
Prioritize personal growth and self-improvement before entering into a relationship. Building a strong foundation within yourself allows you to bring your best self to a partnership.