Simple, Electrical Engineer Working in Austria, We are 3 Brothers and one Sister, I am an elder one, none is married, Sister is Engaged, Simple family one brother is working in PAK-Navy and the second one is in education, father has a business in Faisalabad, the mother is a house women
friendly could have a nice relationship with my family, could live with me in Europe. better if she could respect the Islamic culture and also go with the europian and Pakistani culture ... This is all, End of the day we will make a Happy marriage life, InShaAllah
Only upload photos that you are comfortable sharing publicly. Avoid sharing explicit or inappropriate images that could be misused.
Make a list of your non-negotiables and prioritize the qualities you seek in a partner. This can include values, personality traits, lifestyle preferences, and shared interests.
Compatibility extends beyond shared interests and hobbies. Consider factors such as values, goals, communication styles, and conflict resolution approaches when assessing compatibility.