Religious person,loyal,trustworthy, caring,every where distributed smiles,dislike lying person,love family,positive thinking Alhamdulillah,
Religious (practicing), trustworthy, broad minded , educated or highly educated,well off, no banker (bank employee),no need handsome or good looking because I belive Allah create every thing every person nobody rights cretesize for anyone. Second marrige or third but yes no more wife kids most welcome no problem, honesty and sincerity make beautiful for this important relationship.
Familiarize yourself with the privacy settings offered by and customize them according to your comfort level. Adjusting these settings can help you control the visibility of your profile and personal information.
Take the time to understand yourself, your values, and what you are looking for in a partner. Consider your goals, interests, and compatibility factors that are important to you.
Learn to forgive and let go of past grievances. Holding onto resentment hinders relationship growth. Instead, focus on resolving conflicts and moving forward together.