Me shadi karna chata ho nikah se insan gunaho se bachta he yahi apel he sub se ke nikkah kare burye khatam ho jaye gi zinah kam ho jaye ga fe amma nillah
Rajpoot famliy ho ya koi or ho any problam achi serat wali ho no lari chhgra mujeh psand nahi alag se rehna psand karta ho happy life honi chahiye
To protect your privacy, it is recommended to use the secure messaging system provided by for initial conversations with potential matches. Avoid sharing personal contact information until you feel comfortable and trust the other person.
When interacting with potential matches, be open and honest about your intentions, expectations, and values. Effective communication is key to building a strong foundation.
Prioritize personal growth and self-improvement before entering into a relationship. Building a strong foundation within yourself allows you to bring your best self to a partnership.