a british pakistani currently living in england looking for rishta ideally from pakistan or uk. qualities: a person who is deeply caring, honest, and outspoken, yet respectful and thoughtful. he values family deeply and prioritises my loved ones, always showing kindness and consideration. also, a very supportive, communicative, and independent, as well loving person.
you're looking for a spouse who prioritises faith above all else, with a strong understanding of deen and a commitment to living according to islamic principles. while education and career are important, it's not the only purpose of life. caring – kind, compassionate, and considerate of others’ feelings. honest and family-oriented. preference but not requirement: alimah, niqabi
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Building a lasting relationship takes time. Allow the connection to develop gradually, taking the time to get to know the person on multiple levels, including emotional, intellectual, and compatibility aspects.
Learn to forgive and let go of past grievances. Holding onto resentment hinders relationship growth. Instead, focus on resolving conflicts and moving forward together.