gender: male marital status: single current location: china hometown: faisalabad religion: islam sect: sunni ethnicity: punjabi caste: arain year of birth: aug-1993 height: 176 education: phd occupation: start postdoc in feb (china) smoking: no father occupation: retired banker siblings: 4 sis (3 married), 2 bros (married and settle in uk)
marital status: single age range: 24-28 min. education: masters/ phd others requirements: agree to live in uk or china, good looking, family oriented and respectable.
If you decide to meet someone in person, prioritize your safety. Choose a public place for the meeting and inform a friend or family member about your plans. Trust your instincts and take necessary precautions.
Pay attention to your intuition and gut feelings when evaluating potential matches. Trusting your instincts can guide you towards the right decision.
Compatibility extends beyond shared interests and hobbies. Consider factors such as values, goals, communication styles, and conflict resolution approaches when assessing compatibility.