i am a graduate of brown university. i took up education as a career after majoring in english literature. i completed my master’s education last year and received my teaching credential on june this year. i am currently living in an apartment with my younger sister and our dog, snow.
it is my vision for all people to once again appreciate the art of writing and reading. with the rapid development of technology, young people are losing this skill. it is my mission to help students slow down and truly articulate what they are trying to say.
Only upload photos that you are comfortable sharing publicly. Avoid sharing explicit or inappropriate images that could be misused.
Consider using reputable online platforms, such as matrimonial websites or dating apps, to widen your search and connect with potential matches. Be cautious and follow safety guidelines while using online platforms.
Compatibility extends beyond shared interests and hobbies. Consider factors such as values, goals, communication styles, and conflict resolution approaches when assessing compatibility.