Muhammad Yahya Butt

  • Profile ID: QR-16790
  • 29, Male, Married
  • Karachi, Pakistan
  • About Myself

  • i am from karachi, pakistan and working in a reputable firm. furthermore i am married and with two two daughters

  • Partner Expectations

  • i am looking for a partner majorly who is divorced, widow or deaf and dumb. need to marry them and provide a life style like a husband and wife.

Personal Information

  • Profile by Self
  • Marital Status Married
  • Kids Yes (Num. of Kids: )
  • Living Arrangments I Live With Family
  • Living in Karachi, Pakistan

Visual Apperance & Life Style

  • Height 175cm - 5'9"
  • Body Type Muscular
  • Complextion Fair
  • Disabilities None
  • Smoke No
  • Drink No

Education & Occupation

  • Education Masters (M.A/Msc/MBA)
  • Occupation IT / Telecom Professional
  • Language Punjabi

Social & Religious Background

  • Ethnicity Pakistani
  • Caste Butt
  • Religion Muslim
  • Sect. Just Muslim

Partner Preferences

  • Age to
  • Height to
  • Marital Status
  • complextion
  • Education
  • Religion
  • County living in

Family Details

  • Father
  • Mother
  • Brothers ( married)
  • Sisters ( married)
  • Family Values
Online Safety Guidelines

Be Skeptical of Financial Requests

Be cautious of anyone asking for financial assistance or sharing sob stories that seem manipulative. Avoid sending money or sharing your financial information with individuals you meet on

Tips to Find a Perfect Match

Consider compatibility

Assess compatibility factors such as communication styles, emotional intelligence, problem-solving abilities, and lifestyle compatibility. These factors contribute to long-term relationship success.

Experts Advise

Understand your own needs and boundaries

Take the time to understand your own needs, values, and boundaries. Clear self-awareness helps in finding a compatible partner and maintaining a healthy relationship.


  • Khayyam Gillani

    Khayyam Gillani

    30, Never Married
    Islamabad, Pakistan
  • QR-10605


    26, Never Married
    Karachi, Pakistan
  • QR-8242


    43, Never Married
    Karachi, Pakistan
  • QR-5172


    32, Separated
    Gujrat, Pakistan
  • QR-8845


    25, Never Married
    Hyderabad, Pakistan