i'm a simple everyday man, currently working as a teacher at a fairly local highschool, taking life just the way it is. we are lower middle class family , we earn our keep, live simple lives and do not dwell about luxuries. i'm the eldest from my siblings, thus have to manage work and life altogether, therefore looking for a woman who will not feel uncomfortable providing household and mental support. i'm still getting better everyday learning new skills, so who knows what future holds.
nothing specific, doesn't have to be extraordinarily beautiful, not too tall. would prefer someone who is also from lower middle class family aswell and is a family person.
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Look for shared values, life goals, and visions for the future. Aligning on important matters can contribute to a fulfilling and harmonious relationship.
Understand that no relationship is perfect. Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and frustration. Embrace the imperfections and work together to grow and overcome challenges.