Retired from Civil Service as Senior Officer. Living alone in Own house in Islamabad. Three children are well settled. Separated from Spouse. Looking for a nice spouse caring and loving. Just want a companion of all weathers
Must be free from all complexes. Non greedy. Pious having intrinsic refinement. Must be pleasing personality. Having good tastes of literature. Must be smart and active with healthy habits
To protect your privacy, it is recommended to use the secure messaging system provided by for initial conversations with potential matches. Avoid sharing personal contact information until you feel comfortable and trust the other person.
Take the time to understand yourself, your values, and what you are looking for in a partner. Consider your goals, interests, and compatibility factors that are important to you.
Understand that no relationship is perfect. Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and frustration. Embrace the imperfections and work together to grow and overcome challenges.