Sara Mahmood

  • Profile ID: QR-15887
  • 32, Male, Never Married
  • Karachi, Pakistan
  • About Myself

  • Looking for someone for my sister. Our parents are settled and are British citizens. Looking for someone who is Citizen of the uk who can keep her happy. She has a business in fashion, earns good money, parents are very rich, she is down to earth and would be a great house wife and look after her husband very well. Good cook as well. She is tall, and average build, she is very very good with kids, can take care of people very very well, her heart is very big and full of love

  • Partner Expectations

  • Citizen of the uk Employed or own business Lives in West Yorkshire Handsome 5 ft 6 or taller Family oriented

Personal Information

  • Profile by Brother/Sister
  • Marital Status Never Married
  • Kids No
  • Living Arrangments I Live With Family
  • Living in Karachi, Pakistan

Visual Apperance & Life Style

  • Height 167cm - 5'6"
  • Body Type Average
  • Complextion Fair
  • Disabilities None
  • Smoke No
  • Drink No

Education & Occupation

  • Education College Graduate - Diploma
  • Occupation Fashion Designer
  • Language Urdu

Social & Religious Background

  • Ethnicity Pakistani
  • Caste Urdu Speaking
  • Religion Muslim
  • Sect. Sunni

Partner Preferences

  • Age28 to 35
  • Height149cm - 4'11" to 177cm - 5'10"
  • Marital StatusNever Married
  • complextion
  • Education
  • ReligionMuslim
  • County living inGuarani

Family Details

  • FatherBusiness
  • MotherHomemaker
  • Brothers0 (0 married)
  • Sisters1 (1 married)
  • Family ValuesModerate
Online Safety Guidelines

Use Caution with Profile Information

While creating your profile, be mindful of the information you share. Avoid including excessive personal details that could potentially compromise your privacy and security.

Tips to Find a Perfect Match

Define your Priorities

Make a list of your non-negotiables and prioritize the qualities you seek in a partner. This can include values, personality traits, lifestyle preferences, and shared interests.

Experts Advise

Cultivate trust and mutual respect

Trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship. Build trust through open communication, transparency, and consistency. Show respect for each other's individuality, opinions, and boundaries.