Ali Ali

  • Profile ID: QR-15871
  • 29, Male, Never Married
  • West Bromwich, United Kingdom
  • About Myself

  • Homey person family means everything to me

  • Partner Expectations

  • Looking for: • family oriented • respectful • honesty • openness • loyalty • communication • willing to live with in laws • same caste: CHAUDHARY JATT (azad Kashmir)

Personal Information

  • Profile by Brother/Sister
  • Marital Status Never Married
  • Kids No
  • Living Arrangments I Live With Family
  • Living in West Bromwich, United Kingdom

Visual Apperance & Life Style

  • Height 170cm - 5'7"
  • Body Type Average
  • Complextion Wheatish Fair
  • Disabilities None
  • Smoke No
  • Drink No

Education & Occupation

  • Education High School
  • Occupation Unspecified
  • Language Kashmiri

Social & Religious Background

  • Ethnicity Pakistani
  • Caste Chaudhary
  • Religion Muslim
  • Sect. Sunni

Partner Preferences

  • Age25 to 31
  • Height152cm - 5'0" to 162cm - 5'4"
  • Marital StatusNever Married
  • complextion
  • Education
  • Religion
  • County living in

Family Details

  • FatherEmployed
  • MotherHomemaker
  • Brothers0 (0 married)
  • Sisters2 (1 married)
  • Family ValuesModerate
Online Safety Guidelines

Create a Strong Password

Choose a unique and strong password for your account. Avoid using common or easily guessable passwords to protect your account from unauthorized access.

Tips to Find a Perfect Match

Trust your instincts

Pay attention to your intuition and gut feelings when evaluating potential matches. Trusting your instincts can guide you towards the right decision.

Experts Advise

Prioritize quality time and intimacy

Make time for meaningful connection and intimacy. Engage in activities together, have regular date nights, and prioritize open and honest conversations to nurture emotional closeness.


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    Faisalabad, Pakistan
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    32, Never Married
    Lahore, Afghanistan
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    36, Never Married
    Khanewal, Pakistan
  • Ahsan Sahir

    Ahsan Sahir

    22, Never Married
    Karachi, Pakistan
  • QR-6463


    41, Divorced
    Lahore, Pakistan