Faisal Khan

  • Profile ID: QR-14646
  • 29, Male, Never Married
  • Swat, Pakistan
  • About Myself

  • n.a

  • Partner Expectations

  • n.a

Personal Information

  • Profile by Self
  • Marital Status Never Married
  • Kids No
  • Living Arrangments I Live With Family
  • Living in Swat, Pakistan

Visual Apperance & Life Style

  • Height 175cm - 5'9"
  • Body Type Average
  • Complextion Very Fair
  • Disabilities None
  • Smoke No
  • Drink No

Education & Occupation

  • Education Doctorate (Ph.D)
  • Occupation Student
  • Language English

Social & Religious Background

  • Ethnicity Asian
  • Caste Pathan
  • Religion Muslim
  • Sect. Just Muslim

Partner Preferences

  • Age18 to 30
  • Height149cm - 4'11" to 177cm - 5'10"
  • Marital Status
  • complextion
  • Education
  • Religion
  • County living in

Family Details

  • FatherEmployed
  • MotherHomemaker
  • Brothers0 (0 married)
  • Sisters0 (0 married)
  • Family ValuesModerate
Online Safety Guidelines

Create a Strong Password

Choose a unique and strong password for your QuickRishta.com account. Avoid using common or easily guessable passwords to protect your account from unauthorized access.

Tips to Find a Perfect Match

Define your Priorities

Make a list of your non-negotiables and prioritize the qualities you seek in a partner. This can include values, personality traits, lifestyle preferences, and shared interests.

Experts Advise

Cultivate trust and mutual respect

Trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship. Build trust through open communication, transparency, and consistency. Show respect for each other's individuality, opinions, and boundaries.