This is on behalf of my daughter. She is still studying and I am just trying to facilitate her finding a life partner for her which she may or may not like😄. If I get in touch with a family who have a son that’s like minded then I would encourage the kids to contact each other and try to get to know each other and if they like each other we can proceed from there but the decision has to come from the kids. My daughter is a sensitive smart girl. With the right partner in life I am sure she will be an asset. This is just my first step towards this blessed task. May it be blessed by Allah. She comes from a family where her grandmother is a masters degree holder and worked and retired as a govt servant in Pakistan. Her mother is a masters degree holder and uograded her education in Canada and works here in Canada. My point is that I believe she will be a better fit in a family where educated working women are a norm. Rest is upto her her her life choices later in life.She is not a hijabi. She prays only when she needs something from Allah pak. Not her best quality but I am happy that she has her connection with Allah. She fasts when she wants to lose weight. What I am trying to convey is that my daughter has her values but she is at this time in life not a very practicing Muslim. We are open to all Muslims from everywhere. We are from Pakistan but all umma is a brotherhood and we would welcome any ethnicity.. no exceptions. My daughter is raised n educated in Canada so we believe that a boy who is raised n educated in Canada would be a better fit for her.
What we would hope pray and wish for , is a boy who has Muslim family that has educated working women in it.Educated and hard working progressive mindset, should be working and have a specific goal and life plan. His and our daughters ethics and values align and that the kids like each other, respect each other and should be a non drinker and non substance user. My daughter will come into the marriage debt free inshallah and we would prefer a boy who knows the value of being debt free and not have credit cards maxed out even before the start of a married life.
Be cautious of anyone asking for financial assistance or sharing sob stories that seem manipulative. Avoid sending money or sharing your financial information with individuals you meet on
Engage in activities and join communities that align with your interests. This can provide opportunities to meet like-minded individuals and increase your chances of finding someone compatible.
Make time for meaningful connection and intimacy. Engage in activities together, have regular date nights, and prioritize open and honest conversations to nurture emotional closeness.