A highly educated family originally also Have residence in Lahore,Have Three Brother,One brother is married blessed with daughter & son.born & raised in UK Studied MBA Finance,Marketing professional with National organisation Prays 5 times daily.Believe in Khatam/ Darood/Salams,Ahl-SUNNAT (Sunni Bareilve) But not rigid.At home speak Urdu,enjoy Reading,baking,watching TV Pakistani dramas and spending time with family & friends.Living with parents. No Marriage Bureau & Divorced.
Age 35 to 45 years,Height minimum 5.8 inch,Slim/medium/Smart.Complexion fair/Light brown/Never married.Cast Arainor any other from Lahore or within Punjab.Religious,Practicing Muslim similar like my beliefs.Decent educated Family.DR/BDS/Optometrists/MCS/CA/ MIT/PHD.An educated well settled professional ,Someone who is very friendly and down to earth.
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Make a list of your non-negotiables and prioritize the qualities you seek in a partner. This can include values, personality traits, lifestyle preferences, and shared interests.
Prioritize personal growth and self-improvement before entering into a relationship. Building a strong foundation within yourself allows you to bring your best self to a partnership.