This profile is created by Father.Our son is caring, friendly, talented, family oriented, He likes various types of foods, loves to see new places, listen to music and watch movies, like most people in his age group. We are a very small family of 3 to 4 people.
My son's expected life partner should be friendly, talented, family oriented. Preference is a working woman, who knows the balance between dean and dunya. Our choice would be a post graduate degree and some work experience, that can include any co-op work experience, during university education.If she insists on living independently, that can be looked into too. We are based in Canada / canadian citizens.
Only upload photos that you are comfortable sharing publicly. Avoid sharing explicit or inappropriate images that could be misused.
Look for shared values, life goals, and visions for the future. Aligning on important matters can contribute to a fulfilling and harmonious relationship.
Understand that no relationship is perfect. Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and frustration. Embrace the imperfections and work together to grow and overcome challenges.